The Kora Strip

The Kora Strip is a revolutionary biosensor that analyzes your pet’s saliva to monitor vital health markers. Our technology provides real-time insights into your pet’s health, unlocking early detection and proactive care.

A Comprehensive Mini Panel

Inflammation: CRP (C-Reactive Protein) levels indicate inflammation in your pet’s body, helping detect infections and chronic diseases early. 

Liver: ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase)  is a key liver enzyme. Monitoring ALT helps identify liver health issues. 

Kidney: Urea levels provide insight into kidney function, crucial for diagnosing renal problems. 

Heart: ProBNP (B-type Natriuretic Peptide) is a marker for heart health, helping detect cardiac issues before they become severe.

Diabetes: Monitoring glucose levels is essential for managing diabetes and metabolic health. 

Stress: Cortisol levels indicate stress and adrenal health, important for overall well-being.

How the Technology Works

Using our Kora Strips is simple! Just collect a saliva sample from your pet, mix it with the buffer solution, and place the sample onto the Kora Strip. Receive health insights through our companion app in 10 minutes. The data is securely stored and analyzed to provide actionable health recommendations.

Benefits of Non-Invasive Testing

Kora strips enhance the care you provide for your best friend. Our non-invasive approach comes without the stress and discomfort of traditional blood tests. PRONOVA makes it easier for you to regularly monitor your pet’s health, more frequently and from the comfort of your home.

Comparison with Traditional Testing Methods

Unlike traditional tests that require clinic visits or sending samples to labs, the Kora Strip offers a painless, convenient, and quick supplementary test that you can use at home. 

Research and Development Highlights

Our technology is backed by rigorous research and development. We continuously improve our biosensors to ensure the highest accuracy and reliability.

Contact information

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Phone : 617-996-0026

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